What is Library Classification & Its Need, Function, Various Method

Describe the Definition, Function, Need, Objectives & Various Methods of library classification

Content of Table: Definition of Library Classification, Need for Library Classification, Purpose, and Function of Library Classification, Various methods of Library Classification.

The term classification is originated from the Latin word. This word is used in the ancient times of Rome to divide into separate parts on the basis of the property and importance.

Definition of ClassificationClassification is the mental act of identifying the objects as their attributes, forming their #classes, and arranging the class in order.
“Classification is to organize things on the basis of equality and differentiation. "

Definition of Library Classification

A library classification is organized on the same merits or differences so that the reader can easily access the book because it is difficult to find books without classification.

Definition of library classification according to Cutter - "Book classification is the act of collecting books composed on unchanged or similar subjects."

Definition of library classification according to JS Mills - Book classification is a mechanized act of saving time in the search of knowledge in literature. "

Definition of library classification according to W. S. Meril - "#Book_classification is the art of arranging #books in their proper #place."

Definition of library classification according to Ranganathan - "Library classification is the translation of the specific subject name of the book into a preferential language. ...... There is also segregation of innumerable books on the specific subject with the help of some serial number.

Library Classification
Library Classification

Need for Library Classification

Classification in a library is very important because without it the work of the library is not able to run smoothly. Following is the requirement of library classification.

1. Unlimited expansion of books - In the modern era, the number of books is numerous and it is increasing daily and classification is necessary to control it.

2. Subject complexity - Currently, the complexity of subjects is increasing and classification becomes necessary to organize the subject with the subject concerned.

3. For the purpose of the library - Classification is necessary to fulfill the purpose of the library. Because all the work in it becomes simple.

4. To increase the use of books - Classification is necessary for the use of books in the library. The reader easily reaches the book by classification. Hence classification is helpful in book usage.

5. For the configuration in auxiliary order - Classification is necessary to place the book in auxiliary order i.e. near the related book, Ranganathan has said - "To configure books in auxiliary order" is the main objective of classification.

6. Saving time - In today's time, the reader lacks time, so the reader wants to reach the relevant book in minimum time and this classification becomes necessary. In the absence of classification, it may take the reader a long time to reach the book.

Purpose, and Function of Library Classification

“The main purpose of classification is to configure books in subsidiary order.” The following are the objectives and functions of manual classification.

1. Control over the expansion of books - The main purpose and function of the classification are to control the increasing number of books in the library. It is difficult to control in the library where there is a lot of books, due to lack of proper classification.

2. Arranging in auxiliary order - The main purpose and function of library classification are to organize books in a subsidiary order. The books are decorated in the proper place by classification.

3. Keeping the book in the proper place - The reader can reach the book on time when it is located in the right place and the fulfillment of this purpose is possible by library classification.

4. Providing the desired book to the reader - The library classifies the reader to his desired book. This objective is not possible without classification.

5. Assistance in book selection - The library assists the reader in book selection by classification. In books arranged by classification, many books related to one subject are found in one place, so there is the ease in book selection.

6. Assistants in catalog creation - Library classification is helpful in the creation of catalogs.

7. Saving time: - The main purpose and function of classification are to protect the reader's time. The time of the reader is precious, he does not want to waste his time in finding the book, so the classification serves this purpose.

Various methods of Library Classification

Classification of books by the scholars of library science have given attention to Dr. Ranganathan, the following method of classification under Libraries Science:

1. Enumerative classification

2. Almost Enumerative Classification

3. Almost Faceted Classification

4. Rigidly Faceted Classification

5. Almost Freely Faceted Classification

6. Fully Faceted classification

1. Enumerative classification - The method in which the number "Readymade" is kept and does not allow any additional subtraction. That is, ready-made readymade numbers are available, an example of such a classification method is the Library of Congress classification.

2. Almost Enumerative Classification - In such a classification method, class N is almost made up, yet in it, a little number of manipulations are made, an example of this method is D.D.C. Such as D.D.C. If you want to make the number of History of Hindi Literature, then Hindi Literature will be found ready-made, but for History by bringing 09 from Table-1, you will have to make a number.

3. Almost Faceted classification - In this method, class N is almost ready-made, yet it also has the property of positive classification. An example of this method is U.D.C. is.

4. Rigidly Faceted Classification - The creator of such a classification method, Dr. Ranganathan Te, who adopted the Positive Classification System in the first sacrament version of his method Colon Classification and divided the entire knowledge world into facets. In such a classification method, subjects are divided into predetermined facets and the Facet Sequence is pre-determined.

5. Almost Freely Faceted Classification - Under such a classification method, the 4th, 5th, 6th edition of Colon Classification is kept. In such a classification method, subjects are divided into predetermined facets but different Indicator Digit (additive sign) has been used for all facets.

6. Fully Freely Faceted Classification - The 7th edition of Colon Classification is kept under such a classification method. In such a classification method, subjects are divided into facets and Facet Sequence is determined later.

The classification has its own special importance in library science because it is difficult to find books without classification. At present, many methods are prevalent for library classification and classifier becomes required to know about its various methods for classification tasks. 

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